Fostering Sustainability And Resilience For Food Security In Karamoja Sub Region (SURE-FS)

Donor: Global Environment Facility (GEF)

Duration: 2018 – 2022.

The overall goal or development objective of this project is to improve food security. The Project objective is to contribute to enhancing long-term environmental sustainability and resilience of food production systems in the Karamoja Sub-Region.

The project will work in four districts in the Karamoja sub-region, in order to demonstrate the potential for upscaling SLM under different conditions, agro-ecological zones and livelihoods.

Component 1: Strengthened institutional frameworks for improving food security

Outcome 1:  Supportive policies and incentives in place at district level to support smallholder agriculture, food value-chains and INRM. The purpose of this outcome is to overcome the shortcomings present in the institutional and legal framework governing natural resource use, land tenure, and planning.  In the long term, the project hopes to contribute to the emergence of a set of effective institutions, realistic and enforceable laws, and collaborative planning frameworks.

Component 2: Scaling-up integrated approaches at national and landscape level.

Outcome 2:  Increased land area and agro-ecosystems under integrated natural resources management and SLM for a more productive Karamoja landscape. The GEF funds will work on building technical capacity of all relevant stakeholders on INRM and SLM practices in order to increase the number of community members using these sustainable land practices to ensure food security. To reach this outcome, the project will also introduce alternative income generating activities by developing new value chains.

Output 2.1: Technical capacity to implement INRM/SLM is increased

Output 2.2: Increase in the number of people applying INRM / SLM techniques

Output 2.3: Community groups are benefiting from income generating activities introduced by the project

Component 3: Monitoring and Assessment

Outcome 3: Framework in place for multi-scale assessment, monitoring and integration of resilience in production landscape and monitoring of GEBs.

This project will provide training on M&E tools and methods on participatory monitoring, organize workshops through the district and regional multi-stakeholder.

Output 3.1: Assessment and monitoring of GEBs. Under Output 3.1, the GEF funds will be used to conduct a baseline survey for each selected site to collect household information as well as to perform local landscape diagnostics.  More detailed assessment of land degradation, including mapping of degradation hotspots, could be provided through this baseline study.

Output 3.2: Capacity in place to apply appropriate tools and practices for monitoring resilience at multiple scales. Under this output, the capacity built from training in Output 3.1 will be applied at two different levels.

Output 3.3: Project is linked to regional program. Under this output, the GEF funds will strive to participate to regional program activities in order to exchange knowledge and lessons learned from continuous monitoring and assessment of GEBs of the 10 other child projects.

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