Private Sector Innovations Partnerships Programme (PriSIP)

Market-driven new technology and innovation leads to new products and new jobs. Creating jobs in innovative companies is what this program intends to do: bringing the inventive minds and laboratory resources of the institute to bear on creating the new products that feed the growth of businesses. If this succeeds, AfrII’s PriSIP could be nationally recognized as a model program for best practices in transferring technology and could contribute significantly to job creation and high tech product development in the country.

Thorough this, private companies shall look to AfrII for help in solving critical problems in developing new products, while AfrII shall contribute to economic development and job creation.  PriSIP projects shall not be basic research, but rather are translational work that leads to new or improved products. These are products of the private companies willing to create jobs, including but not in any way limited to, products based on the institute’s research outputs. Research products could also be technologies and knowledge from universities (such as Makerere, Gulu, etc), which are on the self but need further processing and adaptation to turn them into innovations in the market place.

AfrII, partners and private companies shall jointly seek funding from donors to execute specific projects that help the companies develop new products. Where possible the private companies may also be requested to provide matched funding for specific aspects. In these academic-industrial, public-private partnerships, AIP connects the resources of the institute to businesses from all parts of the country.

With PriSIP matching funds, companies can leverage the facilities, resources and expertise within AfrII to create new products and opportunities. With time, PriSIP -supported products could enable private companies to directly create new, high-paying, long-term, high-tech jobs throughout the country.

Types of Projects:

Project may be in Research and Development, Education and Training. Education and Training projects may help a company plan and develop training programs for its employees.

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