How we work
AfrII realises the fact that for agriculture to contribute to achiveing the MDH and CAADP goals of poverty reduction and food security, innovate approaches are needed. Such approaches would call for transforming research results or inventions, which ensusres that farmers and businessmen turn new knowledge and technologies into food on their plates and income in their pockects.
To do this AfrII undertakes innovative research and provides technical backstopping to farmers and other actors along the value chain. it also works with the end users to develop markets and connects producers and processors to market and sources of funds and services; and forms institutional arrangements that unite groups of enterprising farmers, processors and other enterprenuers and helps link them with potential partners and other services
AfrII has a Secretariat located in kampala, through which national level activities are conducted and field levele operations are coordinated. Current operations cover Eastern African and specifically Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Ethiopia, South Sudan, DRC and Kenya. Branches in Uganda are located in Kumi(Eastern Uganda), Luwero(Central Uganda), and Lira(Northern Uganda) with posibility of expansion into other regions.
AfrII’s work is financed through private donations, enterprises, foundations, and through general funding efforts. Additionally , AfrII has benefited from partnerships with sub-sector associations, saving and credit cooperatives, micro finance institutions and private sector actors in various industries.
Collaboration, Partnerships and Linkages
Our research and development work is planned and implemented in close collaboration with numerous international, regional and national partners, institutions and individuals; local community based structures, farmer organizations, the media and academia.
International partnerships continue to play a key role of supporting and promoting the work of AfrII. Our work is financed through contributions from private donors, enterprises and foundations, and through general fund-raising efforts. And the Institute continues to explore the possibilities of collaboration with local and international organizations around the globe. Additionally, the work of AfrII has benefitted from partnerships with sub sector associations, saving and credit cooperatives, micro finance institutions, private sector actors in various industries.
Gender and equity concerns:
Our work is continually guided towards promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment. Within our framework we integrate specific key concerns of women in our sectoral response and mainstream gender as a cross-cutting issue in all our programmes. This component is manned by experienced and committed staff with an earnest passion for gender issues.